You see, pit bulls, almost alone among dog breeds, are capable of unpredictable and unprovoked savage violence against humans, no matter how well they've been domesticated or trained. There is no such thing as a safe pit bull. They are responsible for over 50% of reported dog attacks in America annually. Think about that. That's one out of over 100 breeds responsible for more than half of all attacks.
But it gets better. Most dog bites result in non-serious injuries. Pit Bull attacks disproportionately result in maiming or death. Most dogs, when provoked, will only attack people they perceive as weaker - children and the elderly. Pit Bulls and only Pit Bulls make no distinction between adults and children. They will attack anyone.
My evidence for all of that? Only the most comprehensive multi-decade study of American dog attacks ever conducted:
So let's ask a question. Why would a person choose a pit bull? Let's draw up a list of pros and cons. We already know the cons: pit bulls, no matter how well trained, are capable of unprovoked lethal violence against anyone. There's the check mark in our con category. So what are the pros?
How about maybe, they make good guard dogs? No, sadly they don't. They don't have the guard dog instinct. They conspicuously don't make a top-18 list of best guard dog breeds. Although the author notes that many people use them as guard dogs anyway, counting on their mere scary appearance to be a deterrent to a trespasser.
Which bring us to the next "pro" consideration. Is this a cute, charming or handsome dog? Well, you be the judge.

So I mean, why not get a golden fucking retriever? Why would you get a pit bull? Even if you strongly disagree with me on the aesthetic question and you think this breed is handsome and beautiful, why get the one dog most statistically likely to maim your children? I don't get it. Is it that handsome and beautiful? Is it such a compelling dog in all other respects that you're willing to roll the dice on the maiming, and willing to pay higher insurance premiums? Of course it isn't.
In fact, there is only one "pro" to owning a pit bull terrier, and now we get back to my main point. The only reason to choose a pit bull is because you believe it is some kind of fashion accessory. You believe it's stylish. Specifically, you think that because the pit bull is a bad-ass dog, that it somehow makes you a bad-ass to own one. You're hoping that by owning an unpredictably violent dog, you will be thought of as a tough guy.
And to conclude, there's only one kind of person who would a) want to acquire a bad-ass reputation via dog breed selection, b) think that pit bull ownership actually accomplishes this, and c) think that pit bulls aren't really that dangerous. And that's a massively stupid person. And since the only reason to select the most savage dog in the breed book is to make this fashion statement, it follows that every pit bull owner is massively stupid.
Have a great day.
1 – 200 of 355 Newer› Newest»Over 90% of people who die during travel, die while driving or riding in cars. Only idiots drive cars. See how that works?
Non Sequitur. But I like the idea of a car analogy. If over half of all car fatalities occurred in a Ford Focus, then there'd be a term for anyone who bought a Ford Focus - and that would be fucking moron.
Here are the idiot's arguments.... That owning a car is like owning a pitbull. This is the mentality of these people. If I were standing in front of one of them I just say "Hey stupid ass" and always refer to them like that. Pitbulls should be outlawed by the general public. There is no reason to won one. A CAR on the other hand? Try to live in the USA and not have a car. This is not Europe and we don't have the infrastructure necessary to get around without a car. It is a half hour drive across most US cities. To the person who wrote this I say "GREAT POST!!!" And to the people who compare a pitbull to a car I say "Hey stupid ass! I have some home made dog food you can give your pitbull and if you lived in my neighborhood, your dog would mysteriously disappear one day. I guess he or she just managed to get out while you were at work and I haven't seen a thing. You should thank me really, because I am doing you a favor."
If you go to dogsbite you'll find a few common categories of pit bull owners. You are right that they are often a thug fashion accessory. Also, many people own one because they have a lion tamer personality. Or they are wearing their compassion on their sleeve. Or they think anything the general public believes and that is supported by media must be wrong. Or they think anything negative about an animal type must be wrong. There are a few types. None are using good decision making. A logical person does not own a breed of dog that has a negative stigma. They make another choice. That's because the negative stigma might be right and the pit bull owner's mental gymnastics to get around wrong. So it is a fool's bet. Good on the anonymous poster for realizing the stupidity of most pit bull owner comparisons. They will commonly compare pits to something with a danger but that has a huge net benefit as a category. For instance, they'll note that more people die in bath tubs each year. Yet, we have no real choice to not bathe. Given that we want to clean ourselves, we choose a safe option and not a shower with a built in electrical outlet and toaster assembly.
I believe that you are the idiot! Just like every other close minded moron out there, who thinks that pitbulls are the more dangerous breed, any dog can be trained for whatever your needs may be, why does law enforcement use the German Shepherd? They are vicious and agile, but i will tell you that my pitbull runs faster than a German Shepherd as agile, very loving and great with kids. Only idiots post stupidity like you do on the web, even though you might not post this, you will have read it! if people like yourself don't like these breeds keep it to yourself.These dogs make up 80% of the population in pounds and shelters because they are overbred and crossbred by idiots who want to make money! don't put those of us who are RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERS, in the same category as the idiot who is not responsible! Do your research there are plenty of people who are well studied have gone to college and work in corporate America who own pitbulls before you open your mouth and ramble on and on without a leg to stand on, take a look at some of these links and to the other IDIOTS who posted negative about this breed do research! I can't stress how much you need to DO YOUR HOMEWORK! before opening your stupid ass mouths, clearly we do have a dumb ass category. If you post at least have the courage to post your name as well, you are a bunch of cowards! and to the other idiot who said he would walk up to a pitbull owner and call them a dumb ass! you don't have the spine for it!, just a few videos to help you out. my name is Victor Sandoval and i'm from San Diego CA, A responsible pitbull and dog owner!
President Teddy Roosevelt,Helen Keller,Jon Stewart and many more intelligent people own pit bulls. Don't blame the breed. Pit bulls are very eager to please and it is only when they are not trained properly do they act out. Don't be ignorant
I'm not sure that I've ever wanted to find someone and punch them out on the spot before, but you take the cake. A surefire way to make yourself look like an idiot is have your whole argument revolve around calling a huge group of people idiots.
Why stupid? Because you can't afford one. Or is it because you treat your animals like shit and your scared of a dog. To say that a breed of dog should be outlawed for any particular reason is just as ignorant as your words. Silly. You're such a chicken shit. These dogs don't do anything any other dog wouldn't do you moron. aside from one thing its"lock jaw" , I have seen people mawled by several different breeds aside from pit bulls. Of you weren't such a moron and did some real research instead of making a completely biased and ignorant opinion. these animals are Nobel creatures. To euthanize multiple dogs because of here say you stupid fuck. Pit bull is just as capable pod being intelligent as you are capable of bring completely ignorant. Stupid fuck.
Awesome post. The pitbull freaks bashing you are just gravy.
Here are a few of the "Morons" that own pit bulls.
All horrible, uneducated idiots right. Careful, they may sic their killer dogs on you.
Another 2 year old just died. NO. It was not by a basset hound. The stupid mother that thought the pitbull was a great 8 year family pet is now in a mental ward. Pitbull owners are massively stupid.
Lets talk simply about how a pit bull is built. Round head heavily muscled, with the bulk of those muscles attached to the jaw. Thick, heavily-muscled neck almost as wide as the rib cage. Heavily muscled back and hind quarters. Density of muscle mass makes for a heavy body. What is all this equipment used for? The jaws are bred to be quite strong enabling the dog to bite down and grab hold of flesh with enormous force. The heavy body and four sturdy legs act as a planted ballast permitting the dog to quickly turn the strong neck side-to-side without much body movement thereby inflicting the most damage to the other animal. This is the basic design and it's intended purpose. Still want that around your kids? Things like this have no place.
So i am a american pitbull terrier educated.and i have a few things i would like to say a few things on this matter.first you are ignorant just by posting something like this.50% of dog bites in america are caused by proves is about all the dog bites that are not reported?did you know that more cocker spaniels bite people each year than any other breeds?look it up its about chihuahuas they bite thousands of people.but everyone thinks its need to do your own research rather than run your mouth on the internet.whats your iq?well how about this statistic.more than 50% of crime is commited by african are you saying they are savage beasts?both mammals,have four appendages, a mouth to bite with,a brain,fur,practictly the same.sorry i took it there but this is rediculous.most of these dogs are mixes.there is more "pit bull" type dogs than any other a simple numbers game and its simple to see why there are more bites.these dogs that attack are trained to do that.the original pitbull terriers in the old days were fighting dogs yes.but if the bit a human they were put down.human aggression is taught.simply put.ignorant people breed ignorant dogs.stop that and the breed will be saved.f.y.i i have a 100lb male who plays with my kids,sleeps with them,thet are all best friends.a female who is the same.and just so you know i train belgian malinoias.for law enforcement so you want to talk about a dog that will kill anything in its path.just does us all a favor and get neutered so you cant breed ignorance.put that "gravy" on your potatoes
Haha, Funny how the uneducated Pit Bull owners always end their absurd comments with an insult. You make yourself sound like morons. These dogs are a "shit breed" owned by "shit people" end of story.
As I say, not everyone that owns a pittbull is a dumbass, however every dumbass owns a pittbull!!!!,, Don't have to teach a grey hound to run fast, or labs to retrieve, and you don't have to teach a pittbull to be aggressive!!!
my name is Chris Land and many different types size of dogs. So I'm not unfamiliar with this topic the mollesore type dog which the pit bull is in happens to be the most commen with well over 60 distinct breeds the average couldn't name 50 percent is just I stated previously I have had all sorts of dogsincluding pitbulls chihuahuas poodles cocker spaniels golden retrievers and many mix breeds a dog is a dog a dog. To lump everyone who owns a specific type or breed of animal is closed mined and idiotic. Much like saying all blacks are thieves rapist and murderers just because of there melanin content facial featuresI will not apologize for that previous statement because unlike the car analogy humans are large ant divers group of animals much like dogs.
This post made me smile and made my day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You could not be more correct.
I graduated from GW Law with honors.
My wife and I own a pit pull (and a lovely house in Northern Virginia).
Argument over, you lose.
I graduated from GW Law with honors.
My wife and I own a pit bull, and she's the sweetest dog you could imagine and great with kids. We're also both smart enough to understand that generalizations like "all pit bulls are dangerous" and "only idiots own pit bulls" are crutches used by people with small, simple minds.
Argument over, you lose.
Being educated/book smart does not make you intelligent, which encompasses many levels such as common sense and life knowledge. So what? You're a pit owner who can read? Good for you--but that still does not make you intelligent.
My family has owned retrievers of all colors, beagles, cocker spaniels, chihuahuas. Our retrievers, two black labs, a chocolate and one golden never bit anyone. Same for our beagle. Now, I have been bit by our cocker spaniel (once) and the chihuahua (a lot), but, I've also been bit by a pitbull. I'd rather be bit by a chihuahua or a cocker spaniel. You can push a cocker spaniel or a chihuahua off of you, their bites don't inflict much damage and their attacks are over as soon as they start. Pitbulls won't stop until either 1) someone pulls them off of you/incapacitates the dog 2) something else catches it's attention--which very rarely happens, or 3) you die. Their jaws were designed through hundreds of years of breeding to inflict the most damage possible. The strength of their jaws can crush bone. (Not to mention that the ASPCA and PETA--two animal rights groups, support and advocate BSL). And bones being crushed by a pitbull's jaws, that's what happened to me.
I was 16. Sitting outside talking to my sister and her boyfriend. They were getting ready to take his family dog, a six yr old part pitbull part pekinese to the dog park. I leaned over through the passenger side window of the car to give my sister a hug when the dog came up over the console between the driver and passenger seats and bit into my arm. My sister's boyfriend tried pulling the dog off me as I tried to yank my arm away--I ended up pulling the dog out of the passenger side window, it still locked on my arm. I watched as the flesh and soft tissue on my right arm was stripped away by this dog's teeth. It knocked me to the ground and proceeded to shake my arm like it was trying to rip it off. It took my sister's boyfriend and three of my neighbors to get this dog off of me. This dog shattered a four inch portion of bone in my forearm, took 75% of the muscle, caused nerve damage and tore out ligaments and tendons, it dislocated my arm and tore the rotator cuff in my arm. I endured shock from blood loss, 2 transfusions, 6 months in a cast, 3 skin grafts, 912 stitches, 12 surgeries, 16 months of physical therapy and near amputation of my right arm because of a pitbull attack. This dog wasn't raised by bad owners. He lived a life very similar to the ones your dogs do. It just goes to show you that the aggression inherent in this breed is genetic, it isn't a learned behavior.
16 years after my attack, I can barely tie my shoe, I can't hold my 1 year old son, I can barely even sign my name. I can't feel anything in my right arm. I used to paint and draw before the attack--I was planning on attending an art school after graduation. I was a guitarist and I played the flute. Now, I'm just a freak lady with a messed up arm. I can't do any of the things I used to enjoy because of a dog. How is a breed of dog that is universally known for it's dangerous and unpredictable behavior more important than the people they've injured, maimed/mauled or killed? It's not. People like you just want to seem hip, cutting edge and open-minded by supporting things that others are wary of--and for good reason. Simply put, this article describes you perfectly: aggressive, arrogant and trying to look tough without any real clue as to what you've gotten yourself into. Put that gravy on your potatoes, Idjit.
**BTW: you need a proofreader. Just saying, "Ms. College-Educated".**
hi person with a 175 IQ here and I am the proud owner of a American Saffordshire Terrier also known as one of the five breeds that make up the pit bull category of dogs. My pit bull Lady cuddles with my Domestic Long Hair kitten Squirt and guides my mostly blind and partially deaf beagle mix Nikki around the house and yard Lady also waits until Nikki is done eating to eat her own food and she never even touches Nikki's or Squirt's food and water bowls she also puts up with small children climbing on her. She never barks at anyone unless they threaten me Nikki or Squirt even then she does not bite just barks. so before you start talking bad about people and animals do a little more research and think about all the people and animals your hurting before you post this kind of stuff because misinformation like what this blog says is why over 50% of dogs in animal shelters are pit bulls. also just so know I've grown up around pit bulls and the only dog I've ever been bitten by was a Labrador retriever that had attacked me when i was out biking the dog did not let go the only reason the dog did not do significant damage was the fact that i was wearing a thick coat and the dogs owner was able to pry the dogs jaws loose
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! The only thing worse than a stupid creature, is an aggressively stupid creature.
As a fan of statistics I would like to offer another one to the mix.
There are 5,000,000 registered pitbulls in the USA; by contrast 960,000 Rottweilers, 240,000 ChowChows, 800,000 German Shepherds and so on. Based on the population of dogs vs. attacks pit bulls are much less likely to attack someone, statistically speaking.
Making numbers bend to tell whatever story you like is not hard. The arguments here are one sided and very much resemble racism which is unsettling. Grouping all members of a race/species/breed into a big group and wanting to kill them off is reflective of the Nazi mentality or that of racists in this country against perceived minorities.
As a fan of statistics I would like to offer another one to the mix.
There are 5,000,000 registered pitbulls in the USA; by contrast 960,000 Rottweilers, 240,000 ChowChows, 800,000 German Shepherds and so on. Based on the population of dogs vs. attacks pit bulls are much less likely to attack someone, statistically speaking.
Making numbers bend to tell whatever story you like is not hard. The arguments here are one sided and very much resemble racism which is unsettling. Grouping all members of a race/species/breed into a big group and wanting to kill them off is reflective of the Nazi mentality or that of racists in this country against perceived minorities.
Not being nasty when I say this but it is a statistic that gangs are made of mostly African Americans so should we ban them. It's also a statistic that mostly Caucasians are rapists should we ban all them. I didn't think so! look at all the evil hateful things humans do. Humans rape murder steal but do we all need to die. No!! It's the person not all thier race or humankind. Just like it's the dog not the breed or all of the canines.
Check your self that is not a pit bull. That is a bully breed think you. Before you bash a certain breed please learn your breeds.
There should be a law that requires you to have at least a IQ of 50 to post things on the internet. Especially things that have the ability to impact real live's. This article was very distasteful. I usually choose the higher path which you should learn to do but im going to let my emotions come out today just for you. So I must say. You my friend are an idiot. I am a surgical nurse and own 2 pit bull's the red nose style. They are by far the most loyal and loving I had ever owned. I will also say after having a taste of their loyalty I would never own anything else.
There should be a law that requires you to have at least a IQ of 50 to post things on the internet. Especially things that have the ability to impact real live's. This article was very distasteful. I usually choose the higher path which you should learn to do but im going to let my emotions come out today just for you. So I must say. You my friend are an idiot. I am a surgical nurse and own 2 pit bull's the red nose style. They are by far the most loyal and loving I had ever owned. I will also say after having a taste of their loyalty I would never own anything else.
And I have a tested and proven IQ of 138 just to throw that in there. Thank you and god have mercy on your soul.
Knowing Pit Bulls reputation, the fact they are vicious, unstable and can kill or seriously injury a human, let alone a senior or child, in seconds...well it goes without saying if you own or support Pit Bulls you are an idiots! Period! Arguing otherwise makes you an even bigger idiot!
You're the idiot for owning a pitball
To me I don't like pit bulls very much, considering the multitudes of them wandering about in my neighborhood. I've had many experiences with these dogs trying to attack me and jump on me. I've also had experiences with them roaming in my yard, marking its territory on my flowers. These dogs are territorial, violent, and are built for tearing things into multiple shreds. Most people who buy these pit bulls are taking a pretty big risk. I know some people have pit bulls who are "friendly", but I'm not flipping a coin to whether this type of dog can be violent or not. And there's people who say that pit bulls are "the 2nd nicest dogs", but there's a pretty good chance that questionable people (like of those in my neighborhood) would buy these dogs. So these dogs get taught by the questionable owners. And bam, you got some ugly vicious dogs let loose in your area. Some people also call these dogs "intelligent". Well if they are intelligent why can't they tell that being violent is a bad thing to do? Most of you pit bull loving people would say the owners. But what if its just the dog itself? We all have arguments about if its the dog or the owner. Well, I say I can't really agree with any of you. It depends on the dog's personality. There's dogs that will not listen to commands. There's dogs that will. 50% of the pit bulls will be violent, depending on listening to commands or not listening to them.
Violent pit bulls:
They won't listen to their nice owners trying to teach them right.
They will listen to their bad owners who teach them wrong.
Nonviolent pit bulls:
They will listen to their nice owners.
They won't listen to their bad owners.
Well according to my statistics. A lot of these bad owners will purchase these dogs and turn them into "monstrosities". Just flip a coin twice and it will predict the dog's actions. I've never seen a pit bull where there owner is at least trying to teach them right. Because society is too paranoid to handle one of these suckers themselves, because they think that they are spawns of satan right when they are born, from their own experiences with the bad owners and their "demon" pets. I say that the aggressiveness of these dogs depend. But man, I don't really like the pit bull's appearance. XD
Pit bull owners are the most uneducated trailer-trash, welfare sucking dregs on society, wanna-be thugs in the world.
If you could remove pit bull owners from society we would truly be enlightened.
I don't like the breed, but the owners are the real problem.
Lockjaw is a myth.
All dogs should be banned, but Pit Bulls are the worst. We just saw a woman unable to control her Pit puppy... yes, puppy. It kept trying to attack every dog that went by. Can't wait to see what happens when the thing is full grown.
She was definitely an idiot.
Ever notice how the typical dog owner can refer to their dog in conversations as 'my dog', but pit bull owners can't help but refer to their dog as 'my pitbull' or 'my pit'? They can't let an opportunity pass to let everyone listening that they own a pitbull. The only two pitbull owners I know both do this. It's obvious to me they bought these dogs for image reasons.
There are nearly 200 breeds of dog available to own, and people choose to own the ugliest, most aggressive, and deadliest dog breed there is- the pit bull- WHY? Because they are IDIOTS. Only an idiot chooses to own a liability, instead of a true companion animal, simply because they are unable to think rationally about such a decision.
I own a boxer/pit. Quincy was abandoned at a gas station in Florida. He looked like he had been bull bait for fighting pits. I was going to adopt him out but he ended up winning my heart and the hearts of my 80+ year old who did not want him around when he was first brought into the house with cats.
My in laws call him wiggles be cause he is always wagging his tail which causes him to wiggle. They live in a 55+ neighborhood where the residence know as the dog that is always happy. We have to kennel him often and he is the favorite of the staff. One of the female sitters actually goes into his kennel when she naps at night.
The pit does not have,as you inferred, the strongest bite. See the following. Don't believe me. The Mastiff,German shepherd, Doberman, and others have bites that are significantly stronger than the pit bull, which by the way is not a breed. Please read the real statistics before you judge.The numbers you quote can lead one to believe the pit bull, which is called so because of charitiscs,and not genetic coding.
My last three dogs were "pitbulls" and all were trained by Bob Gailey. If you google him can see his reputation is speaks for itself. He won't waste his time with a dog that can not be trained. He trained all of mine which in every case taught people in the neighborhood where I lived what a a properly trained pit bull could be. No one feared for their children and not one of the ever bit anyone.
My point is they can be easily trained by a good trainer but any good dog can be made vicious.
It is true they are strong willed. He a hates to leave the dog park when he is playing with other dogs and he is a sack of concrete when he his tired and laying on the bed. You have to drag him off if you can even budge him As a biter, none of mine would even growl because they were to busy trying to link your face.
I won't call you any names. Spend some time with a "Pit Bull" before you judge them.
I own a boxer/pit. Quincy was abandoned at a gas station in Florida. He looked like he had been bull bait for fighting pits. I was going to adopt him out but he ended up winning my heart and the hearts of my 80+ year old who did not want him around when he was first brought into the house with cats.
My in laws call him wiggles be cause he is always wagging his tail which causes him to wiggle. They live in a 55+ neighborhood where the residence know as the dog that is always happy. We have to kennel him often and he is the favorite of the staff. One of the female sitters actually goes into his kennel when she naps at night.
The pit does not have,as you inferred, the strongest bite. See the following. Don't believe me. The Mastiff,German shepherd, Doberman, and others have bites that are significantly stronger than the pit bull, which by the way is not a breed. Please read the real statistics before you judge.The numbers you quote can lead one to believe the pit bull, which is called so because of charitiscs,and not genetic coding.
My last three dogs were "pitbulls" and all were trained by Bob Gailey. If you google him can see his reputation is speaks for itself. He won't waste his time with a dog that can not be trained. He trained all of mine which in every case taught people in the neighborhood where I lived what a a properly trained pit bull could be. No one feared for their children and not one of the ever bit anyone.
My point is they can be easily trained by a good trainer but any good dog can be made vicious.
It is true they are strong willed. He a hates to leave the dog park when he is playing with other dogs and he is a sack of concrete when he his tired and laying on the bed. You have to drag him off if you can even budge him As a biter, none of mine would even growl because they were to busy trying to link your face.
I won't call you any names. Spend some time with a "Pit Bull" before you judge them.
I own a boxer/pit. Quincy was abandoned at a gas station in Florida. He looked like he had been bull bait for fighting pits. I was going to adopt him out but he ended up winning my heart and the hearts of my 80+ year old who did not want him around when he was first brought into the house with cats.
My in laws call him wiggles be cause he is always wagging his tail which causes him to wiggle. They live in a 55+ neighborhood where the residence know as the dog that is always happy. We have to kennel him often and he is the favorite of the staff. One of the female sitters actually goes into his kennel when she naps at night.
The pit does not have,as you inferred, the strongest bite. See the following. Don't believe me. The Mastiff,German shepherd, Doberman, and others have bites that are significantly stronger than the pit bull, which by the way is not a breed. Please read the real statistics before you judge.The numbers you quote can lead one to believe the pit bull, which is called so because of charitiscs,and not genetic coding.
My last three dogs were "pitbulls" and all were trained by Bob Gailey. If you google him can see his reputation is speaks for itself. He won't waste his time with a dog that can not be trained. He trained all of mine which in every case taught people in the neighborhood where I lived what a a properly trained pit bull could be. No one feared for their children and not one of the ever bit anyone.
My point is they can be easily trained by a good trainer but any good dog can be made vicious.
It is true they are strong willed. He a hates to leave the dog park when he is playing with other dogs and he is a sack of concrete when he his tired and laying on the bed. You have to drag him off if you can even budge him As a biter, none of mine would even growl because they were to busy trying to link your face.
I won't call you any names. Spend some time with a "Pit Bull" before you judge them.
I notice more articles and blog posts about the dangers of pit bulls. I think the tide of blood is finally beginning to turn against pit bull owners. These dogs need to be eliminated. Our children, people, wildlife, our livestock, and our non-violent pets need to be protected. We need to not back down from pit bull bullies and take our society back. And it seems we are doing that.
Dear God, Why did you let dogfighting men breed the ultimate killing machine? Why did you let their ignorant owners use their dogs to help them murder more humans than any other dog we have seen? Why did you make them just barely smart enough to lie to the world, and put the blame for the Most violent and gruesome killings ever seen by a "dog" on the victim or owner error? Everyone who has walked the Earth for decades, knows what a dog bite used to mean before the Pit Bull was unleashed onto the public. Humans didn't arrive via life flight with mossimgmls, nose, eyelids, and sometimes eyes, broken facial bones, missing limbs. NO OTHER DOG IN HISTORY has roamed the streets, claiming victim after victim. Dear God, If you have any power at all, why would you let Satan's Canine Minions roam among us, with the backing of humans who would maul their dogs' victims themselves if they could get away with it? Who is going to rescue the rest of us humans from the "rescued" monster dogs. Why, God, WHY?
Dear God, Why did you let dogfighting men breed the ultimate killing machine? Why did you let their ignorant owners use their dogs to help them murder more humans than any other dog we have seen? Why did you make them just barely smart enough to lie to the world, and put the blame for the Most violent and gruesome killings ever seen by a "dog" on the victim or owner error? Everyone who has walked the Earth for decades, knows what a dog bite used to mean before the Pit Bull was unleashed onto the public. Humans didn't used to get attacked by a dog, and arrive via life flight with their faces torn off no lips, nose, eyelids, and sometimes eyes, broken facial bones, missing limbs. NO OTHER DOG IN HISTORY has roamed the streets, claiming victim after victim. Dear God, If you have any power at all, why would you let Satan's Canine Minions roam among us, with the backing of humans who would maul their dogs' victims themselves if they could get away with it? Who is going to rescue the rest of us humans from the "rescued" monster dogs. Why, God, WHY?
My husband and I own a pit bull. He's not my favorite thing and he is aggressive with other animals. I just feed him mainly he jumps on you and I hate that. Also he's not very bright. Couldn't learn the word no don't really bark at strangers and is the first dog I've ever owned that eats shit.....literally. so vicious no dumb....yes
I agree with everything what you wrote my friend...And let me tell you, if number of pitbulls show how much a country has idiots with inferiority complex that want to look as bad guys, than my country Serbia is a country with highest rating of morons...My town is full of idiots that have pitbull...Sad but true is that Serbs are idiots that want to look as bad guys...That is fashion over the past quarter of century Serbs want to look bad, Serbian young man want to make image of bad guys like Željko Ražnatović Arkan...
I work with dogs on a daily basis, encountering about 200 new dogs every week. Of all the dogs I work with, Pit Bulls and Pit Bull Mixes are always keeping me on my toes. I have yet to meet one that has not tried to jump on my back and claw me to death (out of pure joy and excitement) Most that I've met are hardly aggressive -- just overly eager to jump on me and don't know their own strength. It's still a lot to handle. I am just wary. Some of them even knock me down. I can say the same about antsy German Shepherds and bouncy Boxers, but those breeds stopped the jumping and bouncing, whereas the pit bulls continued to jump on me and trample me. I enjoy some of them. Most make me wary. My opinion on the whole aspect is not against the dog. It's not breeds' fault we created them. I just would never own one, because I personally do not trust them. But to destroy them, because of what we have made is a bit harsh. I honestly do not know what Pit bulls should be fate. Plenty of my friends and family own one and they seem to be sweet. I'm neither for them or against them -- but one would never be welcome in my home. If a pit bull or any dog attacked my child I am sure there would be nothing to stop by rage. It's a protective instinct. I'd end up killing the animal if I had too. It all comes down to this; if you support them, then that's your choice. If you hate them, don't own one and just mind your own in this world. Everybody's gonna do what they do, and all you have to worry about is you. At least you can wake up and say, "well my kid didn't get mauled by a pit bull, or "well my kid's best hero and protector is his Pit Bull."
My first thought on reading this was that the author has never has a positive experience with pit bulls. How could someone who has seen any benefit in the dog hate it and see it as useless? Then you can understand, some of us have had only positive experiences. The problem is, your personal belief, aka "opinion," would call for my dog to be euthanized. He has never committed a crime- in fact, he's volunteered at churches and schools. He's been friendly and sweet to everyone he's met. The fact that you think he's ugly... is that even relevant? I think hairless cats are ugly, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna round them all up and kill them. I've had my dog for 5 years; I have a Masters Degree from UCLA. If that makes me an idiot, then so be it. My boyfriend has a BA, two masters degrees, and is currently finishing his PHD at UCSB. I won't get into my job, but my dog has played and charmed the head writer of the Daily Show, his two kids, film composers, professors, actors, etc. This is my personal experience with the dog. What you're saying just doesn't fit with my experience. My dog has become so close with more kids than I can count. He was found at Magic Johnson Park, starving, sick, and abused. Parents have told me he is Magic; he has calmed and helped children who up to that point were terrified of dogs. That being said, I don't encourage kids to poke, pull or prod him. But he has never shown a single sign of aggression towards anyone. I do it so parents will feel safer while they get past any previous judgements they have of the dog. After a day or two around him, they trust him. I really don't see the point of publishing hate speech against animals. Aren't there enough people out there killing, raping, and stealing to take our attention? It's not news to me that some idiots can train a pit to be lethal by abusing it.
You anger issues. It is a shame you cannot openly discuss and look at the facts. I have no desire to have further discussion with a closed mind that asserts only he or she can be right. You go onto to insult people, calling anyone that owns a pit bull stupid, is not exactly a good way to invite open dialog. All the evidence in the world cannot change your mind. So I am out of here to which I am sure you will make some smartass remark to feed your ego.
Fuck youuuuuu
Your the problem you piece of white trash!!
Wowww you are such an idiot!!! IT IS NEVER THE DOGS FAULT IF A DOG IS AGGRESSIVE AND I DO MEAN ANY DOG IT IS THE OWNER THAT IS TO BLAME!! We should just euthanize all the horrible pet owners who have pitbulls and just tie them up and never let them socialize with other dogs or people growing up! Think if you did that to a child and tied him up and let him sleep on the concrete and all you did was put f
food out for him. Think of how that child would turn out to be!? Probably a murderous physco path! People like you make me love dogs more than people! So stupid and ignorant! I have a pitbull and of all the dogs I've owned including dachshunds, labs, great Danes, my pitbull has been the most loyal and the sweetest most affectionate dog I've ever had!! Pitbulls are the most misunderstood dog it's all the gangsters and ghetto people who like to chain up there pitbulls and teach them to fight and cut there ears so they will look tough! Shame on you for blaming an innocent dog that only wants companionship but gets a horrible owner who doesn't care to show them love and if you did your research it's proven that right under golden retrievers, pitbulls are 2nd for being the most loyal and friendly!!
Loved your post!! This lady Lisa doesn't know much about pitbulls! The owners are the ones to blame for aggressive dogs period! Lisa you should also know that Pitbulls are rated right underneath golden retrievers for being the most loyal friendly dog breeds!! Do your research then you may pipe in!!
Absolutely love this!! Someone who actually is smart and doesn't watch something on TV and believe the first thing they see aka all these people who say pitbulls should all be killed just because they see a pittbull attack on the news. They should show the pittbulls living conditions and the way that dog was brought up!
I have a loving pitbull that honestly wouldn't hurt a fly! She is the sweetest dog that I have ever owned and I'm pretty sure I'm not trailer trash! I'm also not a "wanna be thug" as you say with your intelligent langauge! My Husband is in the Navy and I have a pretty well paying job myself! If you were to meet my dog you would just sit there with nothing to say because you would see how stupid you are for saying that!! My dog loves every human and every dog that she meets! We take her to the dog park often and if anything I've seen more labs and German Shepard that have had aggression but my pitbull just sits there wagging her tail wanting to play! It makes me laugh how stupid all of yall are that say one breed should be killed off because one thing you see on TV ����
Horseshit. Go brush the one tooth in your baseball sized head in your trailer.
True. The pit bull owners have smaller than average brains.
I have been bitten by three dogs in my life. A Chow, a German Shepherd and yes...a Pitbull. I have also been intimidated/charged at by other dogs...a Chow, a Lab and yes..a Pitbull. I have owned dogs, one being half Chow and one large Doberman, amongst others, for 30 years. I have walked numerous dog parks/neighborhoods. Bottom line is, if you are not a strong trainer with incredible control of your dog, don't get a goddam Pitbull, or a Rhodesian, or Mastiff..etc. You might get lucky and see your kids friends throat being chomped out someday, idiot. Its like owning a gun without knowing what it is or how to use it. There should be a law where all large, muscular breeds have to be muzzled when in sight of the public. Might as well carry a loaded gun around with the safety off...idiot.
a car doesn't run out of its house and maul a kid on its bike because he rode past wrong. How could you compare a living (piece of shit) dog to a inanimate object (car). You simple fuck, were you involved in a accident? Because your stupid ignorance is monumental!
a car doesn't run out of its house and maul a kid on its bike because he rode past wrong. How could you compare a living (piece of shit) dog to a inanimate object (car). You simple fuck, were you involved in a accident? Because your stupid ignorance is monumental!
Actually Lawrence Phelps it's your lack of intelligence that is showing great retort. Did you set up all night thinking of that clever bit of stupidity. Just as in people they're smart and their stupid there's good and there's bad there is informed an uninformed. I think you and the person who wrote the forementioned article fall into the latter half of every category I just mentioned. Well I will give you you'd have to be crazy to own a pitbull, it is not for the reasons mentioned above. The picture shown does not represent all pitbulls, just as the pictures of human beings do not represent what all human beings look like yes there's the basic eyes nose tongue tail but that's where the similarities end. I have a pitbull, she looks nothing like that picture. She's actually quite pretty. She's also the biggest mistake I ever made. Not for the reasons you in the Miss informed wonder above think. It's because she is one big loving sponge was never satisfied. She constantly wants to be hugged and loved and walk and talk to the worst than raising children! I've given up trying to wear makeup she licks my face so much there's never anything left! She is the most love needy dog and I've owned quite a few dogs that I ever had. And by the way pitbulls are not the most vicious dogs on the National Registry FYI. And a few years ago it was Cujo which was a rottweiler and after that it was the black notebook cooler and a Doberman and we can go on and on people need something to fear hate and write b******* about! I will say one thing my pit bull dumber than a box of rocks, that's why we call her Roxy. As for vicious! I have a stuffed toy teddy bear that's more vicious than she is. Same goes for the other 6 people who happened to be friends of mine in this town who also have them. Our joint complaint is they're needy spoiled children. You give him one hug they want 10, you pay them for 1 hour they want one more. If there is any ignorance to be had you've got your share and pretty much everyone else is too.
All kinds of dogs can escape from their yards or their homes and do serious harm. As for the car it may be inanimate, but the drunk or text her or whatever kind of human moron that's driving it is not. Do the research more people are killed buy those type of people than pit bulls.
In the forties and fifties even a slave times blacks had a bad rap had a stigma associated with them. So I guess you supported all the hangings in the beatings that one on when they tried to prove to people they're no different then our white asses! Hitler killed Jews because they were bad and had a stigma attached to him! A living creature is a living creature it should be judged like anything else on the basis of its individual merit. Not on the negative glorification this is media hype. There was a time it was Dobermans and they were associated with the vicious attack scenario, then it was German shepherds, then it was Rottweilers, on and on and on. Well I do say that there is a certain and fraction of people who like to raise their dogs to be vicious, or by dogs because they have a certain blood line which traces back to vicious inbred animals. Not everyone does
Thank You Vic. You are right I should probably stop responding to all these idiots you have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to these dogs as a whole. My dog is awesome dumber than a box of rocks beautiful, and the most annoying attention starved Love bug I have ever had. I don't think she got the memo she's a dog not a child. And she's a pit bull not a chihuahua.. LOL
The description abov the description above doesn't match my pitbull. She has a head like a black nose murkur, antibody kind of like a lab not as wide in the butt end. She is lean not an ounce of fat on her. The one described above is one of those especially inbred dogs the idiots who want fighting dogs came up with.
All I can say is I love you , you're brilliant! Thank you for thank you for eloquently stating what I and so many others could not put into words because of our passion and love for dogs.
I really find it interesting those of us speaking out for pitbulls have no problem publishing our names. But those who feel they are so right and so passionate about the evil pitbulls, hide behind anonymous. Those also will inform people will have as believe pitbulls are Devils spawn, say the most ignorant those oh so well informed people who have as believe pitbulls are Devils on, say the most ignorant ridiculous things as in accentuate it with swear words!
Seriously? I am neither a trailer owner or trailer trash. One has nothing to do with the other. I happened to be the mayor of the village in which I live. Taught English overseas for 27 years. Speak six languages. I could go on and on but what's the point? I own a pitbull, not one I chose, but a dog someone gave me. Well I will say I do believe some dogs I said dogs not breeds can be innately more aggressive. I also believe that the breeding, the raising, and the temperament of the individual who owns the dog can play an enormous part in the dog's temperament. For you to say a pitbull owner is an educated as a whole, or that we should be exterminated in the world would be better, speaks more to your ignorance is in the fact we own the dogs. Hatred is hatred pure and simple. I do believe that there should be stricter requirements for owning the dogs. That's not because of the dogs themselves, it is because of some of the people who stereotypically on these dogs. But do not blame responsible loving people who have a pitbull we are not the problem. You will never stop that certain element of people who encourage the inbreeding which results in the viciousness, and the violence that strained into them by these people. Honest people will always be honest, dishonest people will always find a way.
OMG, you just described my dog. I thought my dog was the only one who became concrete wouldn't let you move her. And my dog is so headstrong. She's always licking my face.
You said it your country of Serbia is full of idiots and morons, more than any other place in the world? But at least they can say they have one less you moved here!
Owning a pitbull and exposing other people to it is an act of irresponsibility. They are simply more powerful and lethal than other dogs and are, in the end, animals that cannot ever be fully controlled. No doubt some of people killed or maimed by their pitbulls never thought it could happen to them. Shame on anyone forcing others to take that chance.
The argument means nothing and is unnecessary. The animal itself has proven the original poster's point. The statistics regarding Pit Bulls (which are not actually a single breed) demonstrate the fact that they are far more dangerous than any single breed of dog. They kill more people, dismember more people, maim more people, maul more people and necessitate their own euthanization more than any breed of dog. While Rottweilers and Mastiffs are of course dangerous, the stats pertaining to them for the same categories do not even come anywhere close to those mixes of breeds known as Pit Bulls. Those who own Pit Bulls undoubtedly don't like being called idiots. However, owning a Pit Bull, despite the existence of irrefutable evidence for not owning one, especially given the dangers involved, virtually demands that such a label be applied.
For some of the latest joy spread by Pit Bulls and their ultra-intelligent owners, please refer to:
Despite the myriad accounts like the one attached to the link above, Pit Bull owners will continue to ignore the facts and continue a to blame improper training, etc., etc. etc. and will no doubt expound upon the dogs' virtues replete with just how gentle they can be with children and who happen to be far and away the dogs' favorite targets.
Listen here you little punk if you were at all educated you would know that every dog is difirent fuck your statistics you read on the Internet did you know 300,000 people die from obesity each year maybe we should be afraid of food?. Listen do yourself a favor and jump off cliff your a waste of oxygen.
Haha good job, I think you just hit a nerve with one of the idiots.
Haha good job, I think you just hit a nerve with one of the idiots.
Some people's ignorance and complete idiocy really make me laugh. You people are all poster children for birth control. I pray to god none of you have reproduced and spread your stupidity. And if you have, I feel terrible for your families. It must be terrible living with such hateful, spiteful, flat out mentally retarded people. I find it funny how you can talk like some big bad wolves but you can't even post your hateful shit under a actual name. If I were to see you people on the street, I wouldn't hesitate to euthanize you. Why? Because humans can't be trusted at all. You never know when they'll snap and shoot up a theater or shoot up a school or have a huge amount of people commit mass suicide. It doesn't matter how you raise them or train them, humans are completely untrustworthy. And anyone who knows someone who's a human is a worthless piece of shit. You need to just off yourselves and please stop wasting air that people with actual brains and souls could be using. I'm a proud owner of two pits. Which, surprise surprise, are both registered service and therapy animals. You people are a complete disgrace and embarrassment to the human race. I'm sorry for you! You must really be some miserable, angry people.
Some people's ignorance and complete idiocy really make me laugh. You people are all poster children for birth control. I pray to god none of you have reproduced and spread your stupidity. And if you have, I feel terrible for your families. It must be terrible living with such hateful, spiteful, flat out mentally retarded people. I find it funny how you can talk like some big bad wolves but you can't even post your hateful shit under a actual name. If I were to see you people on the street, I wouldn't hesitate to euthanize you. Why? Because humans can't be trusted at all. You never know when they'll snap and shoot up a theater or shoot up a school or have a huge amount of people commit mass suicide. It doesn't matter how you raise them or train them, humans are completely untrustworthy. And anyone who knows someone who's a human is a worthless piece of shit. You need to just off yourselves and please stop wasting air that people with actual brains and souls could be using. I'm a proud owner of two pits. Which, surprise surprise, are both registered service and therapy animals. You people are a complete disgrace and embarrassment to the human race. I'm sorry for you! You must really be some miserable, angry people.
"And anyone who knows someone who's a human is a worthless piece of shit. You need to just off yourselves and please stop wasting air that people with actual brains and souls could be using.(my favorite part, after such a "kill all who don't think like me" nazi reminiscent speech.)I'm a proud owner of two shits, I mean pits.
WOW Adolf. When your done with your final solution. Take a moment to realize that your overly aggressive dog breed and your OVERLY aggressive (final) solution are a perfect mix. No wonder you don't see the problem when both of you are trying to kill/attack anyone, (and by your hate speech) or ANYTHING that gets in your way or your want. So SIEG HEIL mein shit pit bull Fuerer! You only serve to show how shitty the breed AND owners are.
My shih-tzu almost got eaten by a pitbull tonight. I now know how dumb these animals are. It showed total disregard for the fact that i was standing right there while it motioned ferociously like i was going to squeeze under the fence. I'm not going to indulge too much on all the little details that led up to this meatbag acting like this, but i can say i was very observant of both dogs behaviors to the point it may have sunks its teeth into my dogs inner organs before i would have time to react.
But to reiterate how dumb they are...i swear to god i would have sucked the pathetic life out of the mongrel before it got one of my arteries. So help me God i already pictured bashing its fat little skull into the sidewalk, my lifeless shihtzu next to me and half my forearm hanging off.
I don't condone mass killings or exterminations but the threats that come from any one of these beasts does invoke human instinct, which, by the way, is far superior to the instincts of any dog on this planet. What differentiates our instinct from a dog's is the level of complex thought, compassion and restraint that can sometimes pollute our minds and give unpredictable, and possibly undesirable reactions from said species. Dogs are dogs, and lets all be honest, theres very good reason why so many intelligent human beings despise pit bulls as compared to most other breeds. And that even includes dog lovers, as well as humans who were never unfortunate enough to have been threatened by pit bulls.My rant could go into novel status, but my punctuation is terrible and most of these pit bull sympathizers like to change the subject so i'll end my rage here.
My shih-tzu almost got eaten by a pitbull tonight. I now know how dumb these animals are. It showed total disregard for the fact that i was standing right there while it motioned ferociously like i was going to squeeze under the fence. I'm not going to indulge too much on all the little details that led up to this meatbag acting like this, but i can say i was very observant of both dogs behaviors to the point it may have sunks its teeth into my dogs inner organs before i would have time to react.
But to reiterate how dumb they are...i swear to god i would have sucked the pathetic life out of the mongrel before it got one of my arteries. So help me God i already pictured bashing its fat little skull into the sidewalk, my lifeless shihtzu next to me and half my forearm hanging off.
I don't condone mass killings or exterminations but the threats that come from any one of these beasts does invoke human instinct, which, by the way, is far superior to the instincts of any dog on this planet. What differentiates our instinct from a dog's is the level of complex thought, compassion and restraint that can sometimes pollute our minds and give unpredictable, and possibly undesirable reactions from said species. Dogs are dogs, and lets all be honest, theres very good reason why so many intelligent human beings despise pit bulls as compared to most other breeds. And that even includes dog lovers, as well as humans who were never unfortunate enough to have been threatened by pit bulls.My rant could go into novel status, but my punctuation is terrible and most of these pit bull sympathizers like to change the subject so i'll end my rage here.
Nigga, you're a fucking moron. Owning a pitbull is as simple and normal as owning any other dog, you fucking dumbass. Pitbulls attack humans due to any poor treatment, training, and/or socialization they get from their owners. How about you think before you speak when you're gonna talk some bullshit about an innocent breed that requires an owner who would carefully socialize and train it in order to prevent it from causing attacks on humans. The way you portray pitbulls is the complete opposite of how the dogs truly are. BTW, only an idiot like you would post something as stupid and derogatory as this. And if you don't know absolutely anything about pitbulls (which you've clearly proven so), aside from the fact that they've caused more attacks on man than any other breed of dog, then don't be posting some naive bullshit that lacks any respect for the breed the first place, you gay ass.
These people want something big and tough that only they can see is really a sweet angel. It's the same mentality of women who date ex-convicts and drug dealers, and only they can see that "he's really a sweet guy".
My favorite response: "Fuck your statistics". That sounds like something straight out of Idiocracy.
Only a gay idiot like you believes that pit bulls are worth the risk.
Cujo was a Saint Bernard. The fact that your pitbull licks you clean is great! The fact that she may be licking you one day when she is startled by a loud noise, and decide to change the way you look forever. .... That is what makes you a moron for owning her.
Pitbull dogs are simply unpredictable. More so than any other breed.
Owning one is unnecessarily putting yourself, and others around you in danger.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. ..
Can't afford a pitbull? That statement is as stupid as you are.
They are free where I live. Most people here have enough intelligence to get a dog with skills other than random mauling.
Pitbull owners are ignorant.
You are the coward for hiding behind your attack mutt.
Educated? Look no further than j dog bite statistics.
Your pitbull is everything you say it is, I have no doubt. Until one day it clamps on to your child's face and won't let go.
That's the only type of education your kind understands.
Cujo was fictional plus had rabies. So far, the attacking pit bulls are not overwhelmingly coming up with that excuse. And blaming the owners is fine, because anyone who owns a pit bull really is a fool. Fool shouldn't own pets.
Shelters are overflowing with pit bulls.
Are you seriously comparing dogs to people?
Not true.
Being a lawyer doesn't mean you're smart.
That's not true. Of the eight dog killings of people, in the USA, in 2016, seven people were killed by loved, family pet pit bulls (and it's only April: death by pit bull is becoming the new normal.) Of the 36 people people in the usa killed by dogs last year, 34 people were killed by pit bulls. The other two were Rottweilers.
Pit bulls were man made for blood sport. Its why they were bred. For centuries. They still are. Their popularity makes it easier than ever for dog fighters to thrive. Huge money in that. As a mayor, you don't know that? Talk to the police. Dogfighting is a felony and pit bulls were created for fighting. Dog fighters in thw usa exclusively use pit bulls.
Maybe your dog sucked at fighting but that doesn't mean it can't easily kill a child. Liability.
Spay and neuter out of existence.
My good friend has a pit bull I like very much. I still think they should be spayed and neutered out of existence. Every pit bull I've encountered is animal aggressive and overly friendly to the point of not listening to the directive "down." In a feeding frenzy of blood lust, not one of them would listen to their owners.
I would vote for the muzzle law.
It's pure selfishness.
Intake it either you are obese or one of those people who can eat anything and not get fat. There most certainly are foods we should avoid and be afraid of. Fat is a symptom of diseases already begun. You don't get sick because you're fat. You get fat because you are sick from a bad diet. Diabesity is epidemic, though you can still have the health issues of a poor diet and not be fat.
"Requires an owner to carefully socialize it to prevent attacks?" I think I will get a dog I don't have to train NOT to attack people.
Gangs are not made mostly of African Americans, anonymous. If you look at the southern poverty law center statistics, there are an equal amount, if not more, of white supremecy groups, the kkk being only one and preceding the Crips and the Bloods by at least five or six decades. Please, please, stop comparing pit bulls to black people. Different species altogether.
If any dog can be trained to do anything, why do dog fighters exclusively use pit bulls?
Why are all the responses after Lisa ignoring her ordeal? Lack of compassion. Pit bull owners are insensitive, egotistical, and selfish.
I know a guy with a high IQ. He can build a washing machine, but he can't do laundry for shit. High IQ doesn't mean common sense.
The people for pit bulls are less intelligent. You can tell by their writing. So, really, it's good that anyone can chime in. It proves the point of the article.
I couldn't agree more. Thanks for speaking out. I love dogs, but hate pit bulls.
I too can't understand how some people can be so totally stupid. All the maulings, all the deaths, and all the statistics yet they still proclaim they're wonderful animals. Unbelievable.
OK, so chihuahuas and cocker spaniels have also been known to bite. I think I'd prefer their bite to a pit's. Left unanswered was the question why these people don't get a proven friendly breed like a golden or a lab? no, they want an ugly formidable dog. If you happen to be walking past a lovely home with beautiful landscaping chances are they don't have a pit, however if the place you are walking past has a chain link fence, lots of no trespassing/keep out signs, trash and old boats in the yard and a jacked up pickup/jeep with big tires jutting out......yep that's a pitbull in there, fo sho.
I live in Florida 4 months of the I know from experience. Oh, yeah, forgot to add, the confederate flag hanging and the collection of pistols in the "house"
Agree. I love normal dogs and cats...i hate pitbulls. i will never own one, never help one...nothing. they can just die for all i care.
It's as simple as that.
It's as simple as that.
Pitbulls are 6 percent of the dog population, and last year were responsible for 82 percent of deaths from dog attacks. I am not GREAT at math, but 2 plus 2 equals pitbull owners are MORONS!! My favorite comment was the idiot who said that 90 percent of deaths during travel are car wrecks, so should we ban cars? Someone with a brain responded by saying if over 50 percent of death in car wrecks were in a ford focus then the term for a ford focus owner would be moron. I love it when people are so stupid they have no clue how stupid they are.
I hate fucking dogs
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read haha. Pit bulls were onced called the nanny dog because of how they protect children. But what do I know I'm just an "idiot".
I think this post is ruthless and will not help the cause at all. I think that you are unable to grasp what is going on. The only thing you seems to be capable of doing is bashing on the owners of this type of dog. I'm sorry to scold you but I find it pathetic.
One thing that you should take in consideration is that there are associations that are taming the image of the pit bull (like the American Pitbull Foundation) and are trying to hide the facts they don't like to the population. Also, I understand that this post is old but there is a huge amount of pit bull owners these days that are are taking part in this process of disinformation by posting cute pictures of theirs pit bulls on the social medias because they fell threaten to lose their right to own this type of dog and because they love their pets.
The sad result is that right now, a lot of people are just not aware at all that that this dog is tremendously strong and is potentially very dangerous and they think that it's unfair to ban this type of dog... And they will even perhaps want to buy one without knowing in what they are bumping into! A couple of years later, if they are very unlucky and their dog maul, people are going to say that it's their fault and accuse them of being bad dog owners and stupid...
My blue nose pitbull attacked a lady and her little kid, the little her had to get surgery and the lady just had to get stiches the animal control wanted to put my dog down but they didn't because the judge was my sisters husband and gave us just a fine to pay and also because the lady and her daughter provoked my dog that was the only reason he attacked right now his 2 years old and is a healthy dog and very loving
Pit bulls AND their owners are useless, aggressive, stupid animals
all the pit bull owners are on this page talking like a bunch of 5-year-olds: "my little Scruffy-muggins never hurt nobody, i love to cuddle him and my aunt said he's the cutest, you're a (F**king) MEANINE-HEAD for not liking my perfect wittle doggie, you're wrong about Pit Bulls, because MY dog never hurt nobody" (YET). The logic of a child, they can't understand the bigger picture, and they certainly cannot comprehend STATISTICS. because their dog hasn't yet been violent, therefore, everyone who suffered from a Pit Bull attack is a **** "meanie" or "breed racist" (not an actual word, but pit owners invented it) or is a "nazi".
Yes, Pit Bull owners think that people who have been mauled by a bully-breed are "Nazis"
Pit Bull owners are truly the most retarded kind of dog owner
For instance, look at "Alton", the comment above. They cannot use punctuation to compose a sentence. It's like they are 5 years old. But no, this is an ADULT who owns an extremely dangerous dog that could easily escape at any time and run off and maul YOUR CHILD to death.
"My blue nose pitbull attacked a lady and her little kid, the little [kid] had to get surgery and the lady just had to get stiches the animal control wanted to put my dog down but they didn't because the judge was my sisters husband and gave us just a fine to pay and also because the lady and her daughter provoked my dog that was the only reason he attacked right now his 2 years old and is a healthy dog and very loving."
Your pit mauled a little girl and her mother? And the judge--who also happens to be your brother-in-law---let you off with a tap on the wrist? None of your family, including the judge, has had the good judgement to have the pest---I mean, pet---put down? How exactly does a little girl "provoke" a powerful dog to chew her up? Her mother and especially the child shall face lifelong trauma because of your carelessness. Her scars will serve as a permanent reminder of the terrifying beast who tried to take her life---the stuff of childhood night-terrors and adult nightmares. And among the adults in your family, none has had the good sense and decency to have this dangerous animal put down? I hope you get sued for everything you've got--and more. And, for his corruption and callousness, the judge ought to serve a 20 yr sentence caged in a pound---with a various pairs of pit bulls as bunk mates---and with no chance of parole--with only very large posters of all the little child's post-surgical wounds and stitches for him to contemplate.
Sonia stop being a fucking retard and comparing humans/cars to dogs..
Want to know why I am a dick to half the people I meet? Because they are fucking retarded and it is infuriating to have to tolerate the shit that spews from there mouth. Just to clarify if you own a pitbull you are one of these people.
Actually i gotta 100% agree with the author. Everyone i've met who own a pit bull, has to keep it caged and locked down, because the fuckers will just run off if they aren't. That's just unreliable man, what's the point of a dog you can't trust? I get that alot of people loooove pit bulls and go crazy about them, but i also see that about 99% of those pit bull lovers don't know jack shit about dogs. When they get their pit bull, the DOG ends up running shit because the owner is too starry-eyed to buckle down a bit and train it. they'll let that dog walk all over them because they are AFRAID of handling their business, cause they don't want to be one of those 'bad owners.' Whenever someone tells me the reasons they want to get a pit bull, And usually it ONLY has to do with the way the dog looks which is retarded imo, i tell them to look into heelers. WAY fucking smarter and more loyal, and most people agree MUCH more attractive dogs, those dogs will follow you CLOSELY like a sidekick. Like tails from sonic the hedgehog, following your every movement and even looking you in the eye WHENEVER you talk to it- not just when it's settled and convenient. I can walk all over town with no leash and my Red heeler will follow me every step of the way- I haven't even got to look down because i KNOW and trust the dog. Never met a SINGLE pit bull owner who could do that, let alone the ocean of commands heelers can pick up on and learn quick... So Author- I am on your side mate people need to wake up and let go of their little ego-driven attachment to this breed of dog. PEOPLE created pit bulls you know, and they didn't create them to be cuddle buddies, so stop pretending they are.
Gotta also add that people are generally GOOD. With that, most people are fucking WEAK. They see something tiny and cute and forget everything else. That cute thing is their world, and it's running shit now. Granted you see the same type of thing with little toy dogs like mini poodles and stuff, but that's what those dogs are FOR. Those little dogs are meant for cuddling with and playing and looking cute. lol i gotta cringe when my buddy shows me a picture of a pit bull and asks 'isnt she so beautiful' and it's hard, but i gotta tell dude 'no, i don't think that dog is even the slightest bit attractive.' Looks of a dog boils down to taste, i get that, but the majority of people i have come across find a red heeler, my red heeler in particular, to be WAY more attractive than any pit bull they've come across. little red heeler looks just like a fox, and very VERY few people find that ugly. when you mix that foxiness with STONE-like durability, (which is another thing pit bulls get alot of 'praise' for, as if they are the only breed THAT durable lol) Otherworldy loyalty, and the sense of awareness and intelligence you get, There is no longer any reason to own a pit bull. People buy pit bulls ALMOST ALWAYS to compensate for something they are missing in their own lives- some inferiority complex whether they have a tiny dick and they're afraid to admit, or some insecurity they need to have something 'strong and dangerous'- OR, they are just a DUMB person caught up in some hypnosis. MOST people are pretty dumb though- I am and i'm not afraid to admit it. But i can still see that Pit bull is generally a pretty worthless animal.
Don't blame the dog, blame the owner. Happy to do so.
Great comments everyone! Truly a fun read this morning with my coffee. I like small dogs and have a real cute one! Pit bulls aren't for me but if you love them sure, go ahead! I associate them with my peers who want to be seen as socially aware, but work jobs like in advertising, wall st, the media, and etc. The only comment I want to highlight for its absurdity at is that ucla grad who bragged about her pit bull wooing Daily show writers. Such compassion and global awareness. Lolz
My dog has wooed the bodega workers and he's now allowed to go inside with me!
Hi all. Felt compelled to comment. I have owned 3 pitbulls . Pure bred. My family are hippies. Extremely gentle and kind to all creatures. All 3 dogs adopted at same time. All 3 gone due to vicious unprovoked attacks. They seemed to zero in on children in particular. Like they have a radar for them. Needless to say, very disgraceful and disturbing for my family. These dogs were treated like royalty , only love and hugs. This was years ago. Now I have 3 kids, and 2 have already been randomly attacked by pitbulls, unprovoked, at the park. Playing on playground. Dogs ran free unmuzzled. My kids are lucky to be here. My teenage daughter almost lost her hand to my friend's pitbull when she went to pet it. This dog was a " gentle" female family dog. It just snapped. Another friend of mine has a daughter who lost half her face walking to school from a pitbull who jumped the fence and decided to try and eat her. Now in my personal life if I know of 6 unprovoked attacks that is enough evidence for me to draw my conclusion. It is truly the breed. Yes, bad owners mould them to be more aggressive. However the breed itself is inherently dangerous. When I see unmuzzled off leash pits now I get angry. Irresponsible! Selfish. To arrogantly assume your dog is gentle and harmless is simply unwise. Veterinarian told me they do indeed have a lock jaw, a hinge like mechanism that snaps shut and is near impossible to open. Would need to break jaw. Also their brains can grow too large for their skulls. This exerts pressure and pain and can cause a type of madness. It is semi rare but happens unbeknownst to owners. A pitbull in the house with children is like a loaded gun on the coffee table with safety off. A police chief told me this once. Why would any sane rational person choose such a breed when there are plenty of others? Why risk it? Even if you don't have kids other people do! And trust me...we dislike and fear them for VERY good reason. Sorry if my comment was long and convoluted but it's late and I'm tired! Bottom line- pitbull? No thanks. Misunderstood? No. They are being banned for a reason. Our civilized society is banning based on facts and known stats not prejudice. It's a hard decision to ban but I believe in the logic, as cruel as it is, we cannot ignore the human victims either.
Oh shoot I forgot to mention a few points, lest I get "mauled" by the pro pit community. Truly doesn't bother me, however I won't answer as it's not ok to have to defend your opinion. We are all entitled to speak our minds. The disagreement is the point of the comments. To have an open dialogue. My add-on was the 3 we adopted were puppies, not previously abused. We were original owners. Also wanted to speak to the fact I've seen firsthand several smaller dog breeds killed by pitbulls on the street and at dog parks. Literally pursued like prey, pounced on, and shook like a rag doll till dead. Mauled to death. One poodle, one Pomeranian, one cross breed not sure what. Truly horrible to witness. As for some stating " nanny dog"... yes in rural England this USED to be a nickname, but for the last 50 years is an obsolete term due to the many attacks. This term was used at a time when farmers didn't know to pasteurize their milk. It was also coined because the pitbull would attack ANY animal coming near. Goats, chickens, sheep, horses...other dogs. It is now known these dogs are not to be kept with livestock or children. I've lived by Trout lake dog park in Vancouver Canada for 15 years. Pitbulls are allowed but MUST be muzzled at all times. Those who disregard are faced with heavy fines as well as all other dog owners socially isolating and berating them. Again, this is what I'VE SEEN and I stand by it. To the woman who endured a disfiguring arm injury- I am sorry you went through that. I really am. I hope the nerve damage and discomfort subsides over time.
The only people dumber than pit bull owners are pit bull owners with children and/or elderly parents. What better way to say "hey, I really don't give a shit if you die" than bringing a pit bull into your home?
Lol I read this article just for a good laugh. This guy has no fucking clue what he's talking about. Anyone who says pitbulls are mean dogs need to take an ice pick, stick it up to there ear and push. No place like you pieces of shit on this earth. I've raised 4 pitbulls from puppy's to 12,13,13,14 years of age. Never once has one bitten and injured anyone. It's uneducated pieces of shit that give this breed a bad name
Lol I read this article just for a good laugh. This guy has no fucking clue what he's talking about. Anyone who says pitbulls are mean dogs need to take an ice pick, stick it up to there ear and push. No place like you pieces of shit on this earth. I've raised 4 pitbulls from puppy's to 12,13,13,14 years of age. Never once has one bitten and injured anyone. It's uneducated pieces of shit that give this breed a bad name
Shrine you're a douche. So caught up trying to be right you put your stupid foot in your mouth. We're talking about the over aggressive/ violent nature of a bad breed, the shit/pit bull as well as the self centered asshole owners. No shit they don't attack you, they see you every day, you are the routine. It's when something unexpected happens, ( like so me trying to pick up my snowboard gear off the ground and that's too much for a shit/pit bull and it attacks me, biting my hand and then latching onto my ribs). Fuck you and your excuses. The dogs aren't a problem for you, it's everyone else that has to deal with them and you. And your way of making a point that you want to murder people that don't think like you?! You know who else had that sort of final solution?? Hitler, ya heard of him? You'd love him, he's all about putting his head in the sand, believing he's right n killing anyone who doesn't believe in him. So Zeig HEIL to the pit bull owners of the world, you could have chosen any other breed, but you needed some extra attention or some other BS excuse. Any other dog, you CHOSE this shitty breed because you are a shitty person.
You are so right about Shrine. But dont waste your time, you can not clue in a moron. I love it when some braindead says "other breeds of dogs bite more often than pit bulls." So what is your point moron? When other breeds bite me I kick them in the head and the attack is over. When a pit bites me I end up in the hospital or the morgue. The morons know this, they just don't want to hear it. Another idiotic thing those morons say " it is how you raise them, if you dont train them to fight they don't attack." There are so many documented cases where pits were raised from a puppy, never trained to fight, and maim or kill people. But hey, screw the facts fight? Some braindead recently was laying in bed with her baby and her pit. The baby sneezed and the pit attacked the baby. It was raised from a pup. But what do I know? Being stupid is bad enough, but wishing we would jab an ice pick in our brain? I can see the tatoos on that moron from here.
Just reading the first paragraph makes my brain hurt and prevented me from reading further. Firstly you're wrong. Second there are too many people who are idiots that don't know anything about dogs. Let alone the breed. Person gets attacked by Dog, reports pit bull because that's the only dog they know that is "dangerous" because the MEDIA have an agenda. I'm not even going go into how you determine a person's IQ in relation to dog ownership. I am a software engineer and I know plenty of intelligent people who own them. They need training but most pit bulls are extremely friendly and loyal. They are only dangerous to those who decide to break in your home or cause you harm. You're pathetic and I feel sorry for you.
To the guy who's head hurts from attempting not to read, give up! Your monumental ignorance is matched only by your intense stupidity. Did you forget people have eyes you simple fuck? When a pit bull attacks you, you tend to notice. Like when I was attacked, (even if your theory that everyone on earth is blind for some reason and we randomly chose "hate pit bulls" for some other reason) for walking past a pit bull owners house going to my friends house, the owner said the pit bull owner quote, "OMG I'm so sorry my pit bull had never done that before, he's always so friendly"....(luckily I'm not blind and knew it wasn't a golden retriever right??) Just another pit bull attack, nothing new).
Don't bother trying to figure out other people's IQ you simple minded douche, your first sentence was you complaining about your brain hurting (not a headache like a normal person) your fuckjng brain hurting..... From attempting to read! HOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT I can't believe that simple son of bitch hahaha! I'm seeing a trailer, lots of pit bulls, nascar, your mother/sister/wife person with you, an not a book in sight cuz they'll "make your brain hurt!" Grow up, quit bitching about what you want! (reread his first sentence " brain hurt and prevented me from reading further (hooked on phonics you dumb bitch!) also your saying you didn't read what they said, but are complaining and posting as if you did? You are fascinatingly stupid and should be studied as a missing link. Also read some facts, that dog breed is fucked. They account for way too many serious...SERIOUS attacks (had to emphasize serious before dumbass bubba posts some chihuahua attack statistics). And just because your a software engineer doesn't mean you know what your talking about computer aren't dogs you fucking retard. MY GOD! /congrats knowing pit bull owners! Here's a cookie! As the guy before mentioned, the dogs don't attack the owners. The owners are the routine/ normal , nor do they attack the adult, it's the child or weak that these shitty excuse for a pet attack. Those that aren't the routine are the victim as the owners say "OMG I'm so sorry my pit bull has never done that before, he's always so friendly". Fuck you and your personal experiences and look at the whole picture. It's not golden retrievers with these stats, it's this biological fuck up called a pit bull.
Your argument is invalid. Not every person who drives causes the accident. There are always idiot drivers. It's the idiots who cause the accidents.
My wife's pitbull ripped the face of my mom's miniature schnauzer and killed it and then bit my wife's wrist when it finally let go of the schnauzer. I took it out back and removed it's head with my shotgun after I took my wife to the hospital for her injury. The creepy thing was the pitbull wagged it's tail until the schnauzer was close enough to attack. More recently my cattle dog was viciously attacked by a pitbull that he plays with on a regular basis. Your anecdotal evidence of exceptions to the rule are irrelevant. Pit bulls are mentally deficient which makes them unpredictable and unsafe.
I find it funny how you have all this time to write something like this based off of what you think. Most to all of your statements about pit bulls was untrue. Obviously you have time to write what you think but before you get your stupid ass just rambling shit, take that time and look up the background on pit bulls. Look up why they have their reputation and why you were completely wrong. By writing this your making you self look stupid
To Anonymous at 8:36 a.m. yes, I am the idiot. I am not the one who owns an insane chainsaw.
Anyone who has a pit bull is not a person who thinks ahead. They don't care about their communities or themselves.
I own a pitbull and he gets along with my other dog that is a jack Russell terrier and they sleep and play together and my pitbull loves kids I have a little girl that is 8 years old and her and my pit are the best of friends and he protects her and wouldn't let nothing happen to her all pits are loveable dogs that just want to be loved and want to give love back so people need to get their fucken facts straight
This person can't even write an article without swearing. Talk about self control. You are worse than any dog and should seek medical attention for your anger.
It's all in the gentics of the dog. The staffshire bull terrier was originally bred as a fighting dog, a result of a crossbreeding between the English bulldog and the bull terrier. This was hundreds of years ago in england where the first sport this dog was used for was bull baiting. They needed a dog that was strong enough to hold unto the bull and not let go but also agile and fast. This is why the staffie excelled so much as bulldogs at the time were a bit slow and bulky for the task. When bull baiting became illegal the next fad became dog fighting as it was easier to hide from the law . This is where the dog aggression towards other dogs comes from, but this is also where the dogs got a good stable temperament. Any dog that dared bit it's handler was immediately killed. Only the dogs that preformed well in the fights but also listened well to the owners was allowed to breed "champion" puppies. This went on for some time. Then America was discovered and the english immigrants brought their beloved staffies and bull dogs with them. This is how the staffie evolved into the American pitbull terrier. The difference between the two official breeds is a bit hard to see at first but once you get a good look at them, the differences are obvious. The American pitbull terrier has longer legs, a lean muscular body, and big but not extremely large head. StaffordShire bull terriers have a compact body, shorter legs, and a larger head. Now the American pitbull terrier was somthing of a standard farm dog at the time for those english now turned American immigrants. The American pitbull terrier was used from guard work to family pet to even herding. It was a very versatile breed and its there it earned it's nickname as nanny dog. Now as the years progress, many breeds began getting targeted by society like the Doberman, the Rottweiler, the German Shepherd,the Mastiff and such. The American pitbull, however, stayed as America's dog breed. It was even used as propaganda during world war 2 to symbolize America fighting against the foul Great Dane a.k.a Nazi Germany. Then in the 70s or so, dog fighting got popular again in the underground world and what breed can be found mostly everywhere? The American pitbull terrier. Then it suddenly got the reputation of being a cheap guard dog and now you had backyard breeders breeding the dogs for aggression towards both humans and dogs. And to this day some of those bad gentics plauge some of the american pitbull dogs meanwhile others are extremely sweet like labradors.Not all American pitbull terriers are hungry gentic biters. I have met super aggressive ones that are chained in the back of someone's yard and one that even challenged my own dog.(I own a german shepherd btw. I must admit, i too used to despise bully breeds but after looking at the history of the dog, i must admit they are rather a attractive breed.) But i have also met some that were so sweet and not much different from your average layed back dog. It's a good idea to stop backyard breeding and especially not breed the ones that have the most aggressive genes. This is how those statistics can lower down and both angry pepole who have been bit and pitbull lovers can stop bickering. The pitbull hater must see not all members of the breed are the same and the pitbull lover must see that breed is not all licks and hugs and that gentics plays a big factor in any dog breed, especially one that's been recently used for fighting again. If you need an example, look at the American Doberman lines and the European Doberman lines. There is a huge physical difference as the American Dobermans are slimmer, more affectionate, even being used as service dogs. Why? Beacuse they were bred to be less aggressive. The European one's on the other hand are huge and thick muscled guard and police dogs, a very suspicious and aggressive temperament. This reflects the pitbull community today.
Sounds to me like the dog was trying to protect his or her owner their very protective we have to understand their boundaries that's one of the bad reputation that pits get for protecting something or someone
I know I'm an idiot some times hey I even trip over flat surfaces but I knew when to grow up so why don't you !!!!!!!
Pit Bull owners remind of what Ron White says, you can't fix stupid.
Pit Bull owners remind of what Ron White says, you can't fix stupid.
Pit Bull owners remind of what Ron White says, you can't fix stupid.
To be clear I've taken an iq test; I scored a 168. I have a B.S in biology with an emphasis in cellular and molecular biology and I own a pitbull. As an acedemic I must implore you to do your research a little better. Using or what ever is an awful source for the following reasons:
1.the site is completely bias and skews their "stats" to fit their agenda.
2. All stats regarding dog bites which are recorded will usually either be labeled as a dog bite or a pitbull bite. Which leads to a sampling error that tends to over exaggerate how many are actually pitbull bites.
3. Lastly, pitbull is a very broad term. If I asked you to guess the breed with a large head, short coat, and medium build what would you guess? Because I was thinking of a bulldog. But you could as easily make the case for vischa or dogo argentine or cane corso. Even the boxer could wiggle his way in.
So for the reasons that I have listed I believe that the authentic needs to reevaluate his sources and actually critically analyze the data that is from actuall sources such as published articles with research done by accredited organizations that have both major and desenting opinions, you know like how you would research for acedemic essays and not Internet blogs.
I have a couple of experiences with pit bulls and I am positive their owners were never training them to be as agressive as they turned out. One, we had a neighbor that had an adult and puppy pitbull. The puppy learned from the adult dog to go nuts whenever anyone was around and 2 times when they got out they went straight for my dog attacking him. The last time this happened I was simply walking my dog when they got out and had to kick the adult pit bull to keep her off my dog. My neighbor and his friend had to tackle their dogs to bring them down off of us. Thank god they moved. I never saw that guy training those dogs to be evil and he was a super nice guy. Other example is a coworker that defended his pit bull in a discussion and after I let him keep talking he admitted that his dog did snap at his son and broke the skin on his hand causing a bit of bleeding and they did not take him to get care because they were worried about what would happen to the dog. Also he admitted that his dog would randomly get agressive towards certain people. But all he would do is make excuses for the dog. OK SURE. I am also sure he would never train his dog to be agressive.
Yes, pit bulls are aggressive, yes they attack people. But why do you think they thrash out at people? Do you think it's how they are raised and the environment they're in. If they are beaten or ignored then yes they might me aggressive. If they are loved and treated right than they will be sweet and kind and loving. I got a pure bread pit bull terrier the other day, her name is Eeva. She is three, she was bread countless times leading to her tumors in her nipples. She was chained up outside, beaten, she was bait in dog fights to get the dogs to start fighting. Her old owners cut her ears off all the way down to her skull, she is mostly deaf, and she has scars all over her body. No one would adopt a beaten pit bull because they would usually be mean and angry. When we met her we were told she was great with kids and dogs and was the sweetest, she jumped all over us when we got her, my other dog and her had so much fun. People who own pit bulls aren't stupid, some are because of the way they treat them, some just don't get lucky, and others know how to treat the dog. So the facts are true about the attacks, but half the time the owners are the ones to blame.
The hatred of the human race knows no boundaries. What are you people? Ugly & down right devoid of love for your fellow man. Pit bulls are more dog than most people can handle. Just like a 1969 429 boss mustang is more car than most people can handle. Not every one is cut out for these things. Not every one who owns a pit bull is an idiot just like not every one who is educated has common sense. Whats with the name calling? Where is the love and compassion people?
How do we stop the bad owners and the idiots from getting their hands on pit bulls, then. Yet another child, age six, was killed on the way to school. I can't imagine a worse, more terrifying death for a child then to be eaten alive by monstrous dogs. Have you no compassion? What is your solution?
All breeds of dogs bite. And a pit bull does not need to be trained to fight to bite someone. When I was a kid I was bitten by a beagle. They gave me a shot and put a band-aid where I was bitten. Then I went home. I did not go to the operating room or the morgue. How is this so hard for some of you to understand? If you truly are too stupid to understand this, please do society a favor and do not reproduce. Reproduce means to have kids.
Well this guy is clearly mad at the world, its probably the micro penis and the fact that no matter what kinda dog he buys he remains unoticed in this world,just a small skinny creep with a tiny penis angry at an animal. Its all very strange.
Here's proof. You can see the dumbass father grieving after 2 pitbull pets mauls his 5 year old kid.
all dogs bite. but when a poodle, golden retriever, etc. bite you, you do not end up in the operating room or the morgue. To own a pit bull you have to be braindead.
Found your post after thinking about why some people I know claim that "pitbulls are the most misunderstood breed" and then seeing a recent news story about being attacked by a pitbull. Yeah, always the pitbull.
Long story short, the neighbor who told us that pitbulls are misunderstood? One day his mutt attacked one of their neighbors. He had to shoulder the hospital bills.
Only morons own pitbulls.
I have a 170 IQ and I own a pit. You're an idiot. I don't usually judge people based on IQ, but you brought it up. If you are an intelligent person you are capable of raising a responsible animal; no matter what the breed. I find that most humans are idiots. But you just took the cake.
Actually all scientific studies have proven small dogs attack are greater in number. About 1 in every 100,000 dog attacks are from pitt bulls. You only hear about the pittbull attacks because they are able to cause more damage and morons like you give them a bad name. You need to do your fucking Research and be band from reproducing your idiot views. Ps. The pittbull was the original nanny dog during world War one and two because of their gentle love and loyalty to their owners and would defend their family at any cost. IDIOT!
Sorry but your an idiot
They only attack when threatend or their family is threatend. So you acting like an idiot around then sends up warning flags that you are in fact the dangerous one and the dog reacts to you. It's never the dogs fault it's you idiots
You are all idiots you don't actually look at all the facts but only the ones you want to see. Pittbulls were the original nanny dog! Until fuck heads like you started making them fight for sport. You are what is wrong with this world and all of your kind should be eliminated
No you're an idiot for saying he's an idiot who said they're idiots who think I'm an idiot for thinking that she's an idiot who believes we are idiots for feeling that it's an idiot for....... pit bull.
Yes, small dogs bite more often. I was bitten by a small dog. They gave me a tetanus shot, put a band-aid on the wound and sent me home. I did not end up in the operating room or the morgue. Pitbull owners are morons.
I'm not a gay idiot, I'm the one who's met pitbulls for what they really are, and not by the stereotypes of whom the real gay idiots such as yourself and the one who posted this believe said pitbulls to be. Also, why don't you go get to know a real pitbull in person to see the dog for what it really is, instead of paying attention to those idiotic stereotypes that have never met or seen an actual pitbull in person themselves, dumbass.
Idiots, please pay attention. All dogs bite. But when a pitbull attacks someone they end up in the operating room or the morgue. What part of that do you braindead pitbull lovers not understand?
And pitbulls by nature are actually good dogs. And how do I know? Because I've PERSONALLY have encountered real pitbulls, have gotten to know and see them in person to see them for whom they really are, have read about them from websites that know what pitbulls are ACTUALLY like, and most of all, unlike you, 'm not stupid and gullible enough to believe those false stereotypings of pitbulls themselves before going out and getting to know an ACTUAL pitbull itself. And lastly, the reason why pitbulls have attacked so many people in the past, more so than any other dog breed, is simply because they, like Rottweilers, end up falling under the ownership of the wrong people (people who abuse them and neglect them), and then start treating the people outside of their home meanly accordingly to how the irresponsible people who often choose to own them choose to raise them. Also, keep in mind that caring for a pitbull is no different than caring for a child; if you raise it nicely it'll be nice, if you raise it meanly it'll be mean. And that right there comes from a phrase called "there are no bad dogs, just bad owners". So if I were you, I'd start learning about dogs before misunderstanding them, amateur.
It's all in how you raise them, it's all in how you raise them!! Yeah, right. If that is so, how come we know of many cases where a pit bull was raised from a pup, treated well, and still attacks? Because all breeds of dogs attack. Pit bull owners are the dumbest people on the planet.
your a fucking cock-sucking son of a bitch
Hey Smarter than you, aside from your comment being belligerent and idiotic, you also show that you are not smarter than me because you do not know how to spell. You typed "your a cocksucking son of a bitch." What you should have typed if you actually were smart is "you're a cocksucking son of a bitch." Your and you're have two totally different meanings. Now carry on, you complete idiot.
This article is a bit insensitive and jumps to the conclusion that any pit bull owner is an iddiot. While i disagree with this premise i whole heartedly agree with the main premise that a pit bull is a bad breed.
People own them for all sorts of reasons. They get attached, and they pull off whatever mental gymnastics nessecary to avoid any logic and reason.
Nevermind that 70 freakin percent of fatal or disfiguring attacks are by pitbulls. Naive owners will say those were badly treated dogs. Nevermind the loving parents that have their loving family pit kill the other family dog all of a sudden. Or heaven forbid their own CHILD. Their attachment to an animal overcome their attachment to humanity.
I have been around no less than 10 pits for extended periods of time. I have a friend that think god put his down after having a baby and whitnessing aome scary signs. That was an unpredictible mean dog. Nice most thw time, downeight scary the next. I have a golden retriever sheherd mix. I have some good friends with a pit and they took in another when a couple they know well broke up and neither wanted the dog. They will attack my dog at the first chance when he is completely submitting they take turns biting him. Not normal behavior, dogs fight. When the other dog wont even look their way and completely submits not so much. If it wasnt beoken up immediately, what happens when they bite and taste blood? You do realize tasting blood is like the best steak in the world to an animal with genetics 99.8 percent aimilar to the wild wolf right? Its just a matter of time. The pack mentality of the two pits together is scary. When it was just one the pit was aggresive with other dogs. Together its like wolves. These dogs are loved.
Another friend had his ear bit off when his pit and smaller dog were playing near him. If it was a golden retreiver I dont think he would of needed plastc surgery.
Juat last week, A coworkers brother had 4 pits come from an adjacent property onto his. The number of bites and flesh he is missing resembles a bomb with shrapnel closer than what ANYONE would think of a dog bite. The 2 things that saved his life is he is an athletic 6'4 and the fact he was able to jump into a pond on his property. In the water he could better fend them off. However for the next hour 2 pits swam at him until they got tires. Thwn the other two would take pver until thwy got tired. Again and again until help arrived. Of course the owner said they had never acted this way. If it had been a smaller human being unable to jump in the water; all the loving pit owners would have seen another biased media story of a killed human by pit bulls. As is the case in 70 fucking percent of human fatalities caused by a dog.
The stories are endless, the stats conclusive. Sometimes the dogs are raised badly. I could treat a lab badly and he wouldnt EVER kill anyone. Just as often a crushed loving pit bull owner is shocked thinking their pit was so cuddly and loving that they just cant fathom what happend.
Ill use aome logic for my dog choice. Worst case scenario dog x bites me. Worst case scenario pit bull kills me. There are smarter, more loving, infinitely less dangerous breeds of dogs. Go love a fucking german shepherd if you want a big, loving guard dog. They have the brains to match their brawn. If you are already attached to a well behaved loving pit be careful. When it passes go find one of thw other loving dog breeds that are infinitely safer and better.
Agree totally have had pits they are only as mean as an owner would make them the assholes that give them bad reps are as bad as the fuckers that only use them for fighting have seen Chihuahuas meaner the idiots who want to talk shit about them need to shut the fuck up
Says another amateur preferring to listen to the misunderstanding stereotypes as opposed to people who DO know what pitbulls are ACTUALLY like IN person.
The entire point of a good guard dog is that it can be called off in an instant. The entire point of a good pit bull is that it can't be called off, bludgeoned off or shot off, it will continue to attack until it is DEAD. These traits are mutually EX-clusive.
Ka D, please stop it. Do not come in here using logic and common sense. Every breed of dogs bite. What complete morons do not understand is that after being bitten by most dogs you go get a shot and move on with your life. When a pit bull attacks you, you either end up in the hospital or the morgue. And many idiots say it is how you raise them. A dog mistreated is more likely to attack, but there are many known cases of pit bulls that were raised properly from a pup yet still attack people. But hey, let's stop with facts. Pit bulls are a good breed, it is all in how you raise them. My God, many people are brain dead.
There have been several studies on the unique psychology of the people who choose pit bulls:
I am a 12 year old who owns a beautiful pitbull that would never hurt a fly and I bet I'm smarter than you!
Pitbulls are majestic creatures that just want to love and to be loved. They are just like any other dogs, yet morons like the creator of this article give them a bad rap because they were bred for fighting and some horrible people still use some of them for dog fighting and so people assume that its the dogs choice to be mean and hateful.
I believe that the owner should take the blame because I have a "pitbull" and i always treated her well, so she is sweet. Some people treat their dogs like garbage, so the dogs do the same to others. Its that simple!
I laughed when reading the pit owners comments comparing their pits to German Shepherds. Faster? Don't be ignorant. GS's can run 39 mph. As trainable? Please, that's just stupid! Tougher? Dream on. My neighbor has to now lock up his pit under his outdoor deck after it got out and into my yard and got tore up big time by my GS dog when the pit threatened my kids.Don't take my word for it. There are videos all over youtube of German Shepherds being gentle and kind to people and kids AND quite a few of them owning pits in the next.Really..check it out if your ego can handle it. Be honest with yourselves pit owners. Love your dog but don't think for one minute it is in the same league with dogs like German Shepherds, golden retrievers,ect. They aren't the brightest dogs. They aren't even the toughest dogs. But they are the most unpredictable and potentially vicious. Don't think for a minute that people who own dogs don't know all about you and your unstable dogs. Treat them kindly and keep them out of everybody's way and get a real dog next time.Some
It's funny that the person defending the pit bull is also telling people to shove an ice pick in their ear. Nah, I'm sure your dogs are fine.
If someone owns a bear and the bear attacks them, it's the owners fault for owning the bear. That doesn't mean you should own a bear.
Sonia, I find it interesting that you think strangers should post their names and that they are cowards if they don't. Do you plan to look them up?
you really are a moron and know nothing about pit bull attacks or how the dogs who have attacked and not been captured are often labeled as suspected pit bull attacks. but keep up your sensationalist tripe so your shitty blog will get attention you moron. more people died in 2016 from tripping over buckets than pit bull attacks should we outlaw buckets or make psa's about how dangerous they are or is it a non sequitur because i didnt specify the type of bucket again youre a moron. between 1986 and 1996 out of over 600 dog attacks 120 were committed by suspected pit bulls and most victims when asked why they said they thought it was a pit bull was because they saw them on tv all the time. 27 different dog breeds resemble pit bulls and 3 breeds of pit bull exist the average person cant tell the difference when being attacked also pit bull attacks do not always lead to serious injury another lie you have told or implied since you will accuse me of a strawman because you know im right. maybe look up the statistics from the government before opening your mouth with only some shitty blog you probably subscribe to as evidence. the breed is not anymore dangerous than the 12 other breeds with the same type of jaw configuration you and everyone else conveniently ignores and the majority of pit bulls with behavioral issues have been inbred by irresponsible breeders which cause behavior issues in any breed of dog again something you ignore or did attacks by dalmations in the 90s double in 3 to 4 years for no reason? ill let you get back to harangueing your readers with an implausible argument and shouting them down when you have no facts to back up your statements oh and get an education before opening your mouth next time.
To be allowed to buy a pit bull, do you first have to take and FAIL an intelligence test? Just curious.
There are basically five kinds of shitbull owners. Responsible ones which we don't normally hear about because they're successfully controlling their unstable mutts and we thank you for it but you still have shit for a dog. The wannabe tough guys who aren't very knowledgeable of dogs or responsibility. A new owner that doesn't know what they're getting into. A thug who's dog will end up in a kill shelter because the owner got thrown in jail. Finally the worst of all. The social justice warrior who prefers their feelings to common sense. It's a crap dog. If you own one, you have crap for a dog. Your neighbors don't want you around whether you know it or not. Because your dog ruins neighborhoods. No other dogs attack children with the frequency of shitbulls. They love to attack small dogs. Owners know it's true. You own a cowardly opportunistic prey driven piece of shit.They need to start over with the shitbull. Breed the insanity out of them. Perhaps breed real working characteristics into them? As they are now they aren't good for much. There are better dogs for personal protection that won't maul children. Shitbulls are the baby killers of the dog world. Apologies to you responsible owners. But you all need to do more than post a picture of your shitbull wearing funny hats or other such nonsense in a weak attempt to make them look cute. I won't let my kids around shitbulls. I wouldn't want to euthanize a dog and it's owner if my kid got hurt. It's called being mature and responsible. Try it out sometime shitbull owners.
Stfu with your bullshit.
I have an American red-nose pitbull terrier and he is the best dog I've ever had. He's just a big baby! He's great with kids. He's very intelligent. He knows not to hurt the other animals when playing with them. He went through police K-9 training. He knows not to use lethal force unless someone who shouldn't be in the house is. He's never bit anyone. Sometimes I swear he's half-bum retarded. He understands English. At the same time though, he's very jealous. He thinks he needs to be the only dog (only cause he gets babied so much). I know Chihuahuas more vicious than my pittbull.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME!! In my experience, I have been multiple times charged at by Mexican Pittbulls.
It has nothing to do with the DOG. It has to do with how they are RAISED! Do not put a specific breed down just because they have shitty owners. If anything the owners should be put down and the dog should be put in obedience class.
What do pit bulls and high heels have in common? They are both intelligence tests, if you own either one you have failed the test
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